A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral. --Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist (1828–1910)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Why you're addicted to dairy

Something I hear a lot is "I would go vegan but I love cheese too much!" Let's talk about exactly why you're addicted to dairy. Oh, and before we get started I guess I should mention that I don't have a license or official background on this, I've just educated myself a lot on the topic over time.

We all know that processed foods are bad for us. No one munches on chips and candy thinking wow these are so healthy. Processed snack foods contain flavorings that are there to make us addicted to them. Most people know that our brains release dopamine when we enjoy something such as food or sex. What many don't realize is that junk food stimulates the brain in this way more than natural foods. These foods physically change the brain causing an addiction. The same thing applies to meat and dairy. 

Dairy contains a lot of the protein casein. Casomorphin is in dairy so that baby cows will enjoy the taste of milk, drink lots of it, and grow up to be big 2,000 pound animals. Humans are not meant to drink milk from animals. By doing so we are exposed to this casomorphin and we get addicted. 

Many dairy consumers believe that casein is healthy for you. It is true that the original casein was not very harmful, but that is not what you see in dairy today. The casein protein has changed a lot over time and is now very harmful to us because it contains BCM7. BCM7 is an opioid. Opioid receptors in the body get addicted to BCM7 as if it were any other opioid, like heroin or morphine. Does that sound healthy?

Obviously, dairy is not good for you. Even if you don't ditch it completely, I at least advise you to keep your consumption of it to a minimum.

Some of my favorite plant based milks. (Photo credit: me, myself, and I)


  1. Would this maybe explain why a lot of people are or become lactose intolerant? And I have to admi is good but maybe I should be wary of consuming too much in the future.

  2. Sophie, I recently read something that says soy is one of those healthy "pretenders." It is something about the fermented vs. unfermented kinds. Have you seen any of these articles? I am just curious. My sister is for sure a vegetarian, but I think she has been doing most of the vegan lifestyle for several years now. Your blog is very informative.


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